Posts Tagged With: random

the heart and Body

Alice is literally in the centre of Australia, and some have gone so far to say it’s the heartbeat. So if it’s where the heartbeat of our nation is at, then we had better look after it, as I’m pretty sure the heart is a vital part of us sustaining life. Right? 😉

People come and go from this place, some unmoved by the atmosphere but loving the landscape and blue skies, others disillusioned by the hardness and dreams lost and buried here. Others are awakened here… they sense the heartbeat calling them in, drawing them in to new things and adventures untold and the deep wells of spiritual wealth in this place… and so they come. For a short while or long. Some fly in for a whirlwind tour to scout the land and feel their way and encounter new things. Others leave everything behind and come to sow their lives- some last that out, others leave from the sheer magnitude of life in the desert with its challenges and obstacles and tireless needs.

Over the last month, we have encountered many new faces and some old long-time friends who have all been drawn to this wonderful place our family have come to call home, and the exciting thing is, they have all sensed the same thing. God is doing a new thing. He is preparing the soil for a new and fresh outpouring of his Spirit and His body (His church) are getting hungry, and are awakening from their slumber and listening to the call for harvesters. Some are finding their feet and where they fit in with what God is doing here.

This week in particular we have had visits from some beautiful people who have encouraged our souls and prayed with and for us. This prayer and worship time was refreshing and just what I needed and didn’t know it. The body of Christ was doing its job. Edifying one another and spurring one another on. The coolest thing about it, was that these people were unknown to me. We were connected by our love for Christ and a love for people. The rest naturally followed. I am very aware that we often get caught up in the natural world we live in and forget about how the spiritual or supernatural is intricately intertwined in our lives… but as Watchman Nee said we are spiritual people having a natural experience, not the other way around. When we walk with God close, our lives don’t look the same as others. Our cravings are different from others, and we find ourselves in awesome experiences and being a part of naturally-supernatural moments.

The body of Christ is an amazing family, that reaches far past our nationality, language, culture and family ties. Jesus binds us together, that we can feel connected to a believer whose baby needs prayer in the Philippines, to an Indigenous man riding his horse over Australia to reach people for Jesus, and to a bunch of Koreans who come and sing and pray at your house just because they love the Lord and were obedient to His call. This body is made up of a bunch of once unruly, misfits, thieves, slanderers, murderers etc who have now laid down their former lives and said yes to the gift of life from Jesus Christ… a motley crew who, with warts and all, God chooses to outwork his grand plan of giving people opportunity to once again commune with him.

I love this body, and thank God I’m in Alice, where I get to see all these people come in, wanting to be a part of the heartbeat of Australia, be a part of its call and where I get to see daily, my God at work in ordinary people who are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of Jesus. I believe as we lay aside our own agendas and how we think things should pan out, we’ll see God weaving his tapestry and we’ll begin to flow in time with Him and see even greater things than we can imagine. This heartland of Australia will begin to beat in time with His heart and bring healing first here and then flow on and on.

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The following is the lyrics of a song I penned whilst sitting at the edge of  Todd Mall. Every now and then I get this sense that the Holy Spirit wants to share with me something and I’m going to need to write it down. I had been asking God to show me what is going on with the people I had been seeing and watching (I am a people watcher, it is a hobby of mine, I love it. It was honed when I was at acting school). This song is not my feelings, but the sense I got from the people I saw that day as I sat at the edge of the mall. Maybe one day you will hear the tune, and maybe not. An extremely rough version is recorded on my phone so I don’t forget it. I don’t often share my lyrics, but after some events today that I am not at liberty to share, I found them relevant.

Want some relief

But don’t expect me to change

Want some water for my thirst

But not enough to quench it

Can’t resolve to take the leap

that would place me in the River

In that healing place

Would rather drown in my sorrows

Get lost in my pain.


Find myself all alone

In a place full of people

In a sea full of faces

Wont take the leap to that flowing water ….


It’s just the way it’s always been

It’s just the way I’ve always done


trying to find it

trying to hide from it

trying to


want to start living

want to start believing

but do I dare to take

a chance

What if I fall

completely down

Who’s going to catch me

if I fall

completely down

I am interested to see how God through His Holy Spirit woos these people. How many times have I been scared to trust or hope because at least I know the pain. When we used to work at Teen Challenge we saw many people who just wanted relief. It is quite often the same here.

 But GOd wants to do more than that. He wants to change us from the inside out and heal the pain and get rid of our excess baggage. He wants us to LIVE not just exist. Jesus came so we can have life to the full.

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The Gruffalo

Reading a great book at the moment with the children.

Fun. Clever. Colourful.

So decided to make a craft lesson out of it….

this is what we came up with…

Categories: home school | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Random thoughts

You know in my head I’m constantly writing a journal, but to get that onto paper or in this instance on keyboard I just don’t seem to get there. I have 5 half written posts done and countless more stored away in this head and heart of mine. It’s just when I go to do it, I either one, get interrupted with life and it’s things, or two, I can’t or shouldn’t express what is on my heart.
So let me ramble for a few minutes if you don’t mind (I suppose if you do mind you will just stop reading and go somewhere else:-) )
Somedays I feel overawed by the way that God is moving and has moved in our lives, like when we pray and people get healed, or we see people crying as God touches their hearts and they respond to him, and other days I am just plain overwhelmed by the sense of oppression and the different waves of emotions I feel when I am out and about, or praying for one of the people I have met.
Zion is beautiful, he dances at the front of the church and then when it is greeting time he goes up the back and shakes everyone’s hand and says hello… he is like a breath of fresh air, he revitalises me to remember the small things, that a smile can speak past language and love exudes and infiltrates like nothing else can.
This post being everywhere, i thought a few of you might be happy to know that we had our first dogs in our service. I suppose this is one thing that I’ve been waiting for, having been in meetings where it seemed the dogs would sometimes outnumber the people, i felt like we hadn’t really had a service until the dogs had entered…

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